AG Schwind

Myeloid Research Team.

We are hiring!

We are happy to welcome medical students that are interested in cancer research for their doctoral thesis.

If you are...
- ready to engage in translational or basic research and to spent time in our lab (preferably one or two semesters)
- open minded, creative, and want to bring your own ideas into your research project
- considering to continue cancer research also after finishing your doctoral thesis
- interested in improving our understanding of myeloid neoplasm

then we can offer you...
- a lot of interesting, sometimes frustrating, and fun time in our lab
- weekly lab meetings to discuss your progress, problems, or new ideas
- first authorship on a manuscript with your results for your doctoral thesis 
- close mentoring on how to further proceed in your academic career

AG Schwind

The group of Dr. Sebastian Schwind is settled at the Leipzig University Hospital Medical Center. We focus on translational and basic research in myeloid malignancies, especially acute myeloid leukemia.

Our Publications

Recent projects analyzed genetic aberrations that impact outcomes of AML patients as well as new possibilities to evaluate measurable residual disease in these patients 

What's new?

Look out for news regarding our work, projects, recently published papers, abstract proceedings and much more...